Much has changed—and is changing—in the world of migration and integration policy. Migration management has become more complex as flows have diversified in types and origins; overtaxed humanitarian protection systems globally are facing record challenges; societies have become more polarized, with immigration often used as a wedge issue; climate migration is an ever-growing area of concern for the future; and key immigrant-destination countries are increasingly competing for the types of immigrants they want. What do leading migration thinkers have to say about these and other developments? World of Migration offers fresh takes and thoughtful perspectives on some of the top migration issues, some of which figure rarely in the headlines. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts or listen to episodes here. And please leave us a review. Engage with us at
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Building a Modern U.S. Immigration and Asylum System in the National Interest
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
People on all sides of the policy debate largely agree that the current U.S. immigration system is broken. What should a 21st century immigration system that works in the national interest look like? And is this vision achievable amid current political realities? In this conversation, Migration Policy Institute Senior Fellow Doris Meissner speaks with Policy Analyst Ariel Ruiz Soto about how to build an immigration system that reflects today’s realities and builds in the flexibility to adapt to future developments.